I see so many posts today of Women’s Marches around the country.  Women all across America are longing for others to know “We are valuable!  We are just as valuable as men!  Treat us that way!” And indeed we are.  I believe it with my whole beating heart and I’m sure you believe it, too.  But from where does our value come?

What our value is not determined by

For one, what our message -should not be- is that our value is determined by another person.  I think we can all agree: that’s part of why women march.  No one will tell me or my daughter that we aren’t valuable!

But I’m going a necessary step further to say I’m thankful that when my mom was pregnant, she recognized that, even before I was born, I was a woman and I was valuable.  Yes, even pre-born, I was a woman with just as much of a right to live as any other woman does, no matter my stage of life, location, or supposed contribution to society.

My mom knew I wasn’t valuable simply because SHE said so, either, or because any other person said I was.  After all,  none of us wants to be told our value is based on someone else’s opinion.  She knew I was valuable because of something more and I think, deep down, all of us do.

The simple reason

Women, we are valuable for a simple reason that allows us to sigh with relief as we put our posturing, resumes, accomplishment-stacking, and opinions of others aside.

Women, we are valuable, not because we can do “everything a man can do”.

We aren’t valuable because of how engaging we are, creative we are, accomplished we are (although that adds richness to our lives & the lives of others).

No, we are valuable simply because we are created by the One who knew each of us before we were born and loved us with an everlasting love.  You, each of you, are carefully-crafted & loved more by Him than anyone else can begin to love you.  As in, I-always-want-what’s-best-for-you kind of love.  As in, you-are-never-ever-alone kind of love. As in, I-know-the-innermost-longings-of-your-heart kind of love.  And an it-doesn’t-matter-what-you’ve-done, I’ll-die-for-you love.  An I-forgive-you love.

No amount of success, wealth, power, advanced degrees, platforms, or fleeting cultural ideals will give you that value.

And no words, actions, or mistakes any of us (all of us) have made can remove it from you.  Nor can the damaging actions of others, no matter how hard they try.

And even on the days when nobody sees you…

When, at the end of a long, tough day, the self-confident smile gets tucked away for tomorrow, when you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle, when you question your value, when you wonder if who you are even matters, …he never questions it.  He never did and he won’t ever.  You know why? Because he made you and his creations are nothing but treasures to him.  And he proved that to all of us about 2,000 years ago on a dirty, bloody cross.  He did it. He died for you. You!  Not just for the world, but for you, dear friend.  And THAT is where your value comes from.

I’m thankful that my mom gave me the chance to live so I might speak the truth of our value into women’s lives.  I’m glad I can speak it into my daughter’s life…and into my own when I need it.  I’m thankful I get the chance to let them know (to let YOU know) that none of us are valuable because we are wanted or smart or attractive or successful or well-cultured, or, as our society puts it, “viable”.

My rights as a woman aren’t because of my viability, but my “valuability” in God.  Because until we start seeing that each and every person is valuable without condition, none of us will ever be truly “equal”.

How are you choosing to speak value into other women’s lives?  Comment below!


6 thoughts on “Women Who March: Why Are You Valuable?

  1. Mom and Dad says:

    Leah, we’re so proud of this posting you wrote! You’ve captured and expressed so well how valued we are as women to our Lord. Thanks for your positive view and sharing it with all of us.
    We love you,
    Mom and Dad

    1. matchlessbeautyapparel@gmail.com says:

      Thank you, Mom! Thanks for giving me the chance!

  2. Mikah says:

    Wonderful message, Leah. Very well said!

    1. matchlessbeautyapparel@gmail.com says:

      Thank you, Mikah! I appreciate the kind words.

  3. Reggie Janecek says:

    Thank you Leah, Well stated! I’m sharing this because I believe so many women are not only in need of this truth, but are desperately in need of Jesus!

    1. matchlessbeautyapparel@gmail.com says:

      Yes, we all do! So desperately. Thank you, Reggie!

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