I have no self-confidence. Really, it’s true.  And it’s not because of how my parents spoke to me as a kid (they were very encouraging).  And it has nothing to do with my body image.  I’m actually not miserable in the slightest.  So before recommending some nice counselors to me, read on to find out why having no […]


One who achieved victory in Ancient Greece was awarded a crown of leaves to wear.  It was a symbol of triumph in their event.  As believers, we also are victorious because of what Christ has done for us.  We can’t do it alone, but we can triumph if we call on the Holy Spirit! But sometimes we […]


I had just spoken the scariest words a mom could say. For once, the words weren’t part of my agenda. And I was terrified.  “Do everything you want with me, God,”  I said.  “I’m letting go.” At that tearful moment, I sat at the kitchen counter with my face in my hands.  I wasn’t trying to strike […]
