Why the Made Matchless Planner & Prayer Journal is the Perfect Gift for Your Girl

October 18, 2017

Why is the Made Matchless Planner & Prayer Journal for Girls the perfect gift for your girl?

When I was a girl, I kept a diary of my thoughts, hopes, struggles, and feelings.  

But for the many times I wrote in my diary, I didn’t really ask myself the important questions:  what does God think about these feelings?  Are these feelings based on truth?


Click here to learn more about how you can get this precious gift for your daughter.

Now I’m grown and have my own daughter.  And one thing that I desire, more than anything, is that she would walk this journey of life, side-by-side, with Jesus.  

I want her to go to GOD about her feelings, desires, and struggles–and to hold them up to God’s truth.  I want her to find her identity, value, and power in Jesus Christ.

And, I want my daughter to see her spiritual life and everyday life as one beautiful, seamless story.

I’ve talked to countless moms who have the same desires for their own daughters.  Is there a resource that can help?

Now there is.  Introducing the “Made Matchless Planner & Prayer Journal for Girls”.  Ideal for girls ages 8-12, this vibrant, engaging planner/prayer journal will help your daughter connect her everyday life with her spiritual life, guiding her in truth as she faces daily challenges.  

She’ll stay organized with dates and school assignments with the monthly calendar spreads and weekly assignment pages, teaching her how to be responsible and to use the time & gifts God has given her wisely.  This journal is un-dated so it can be started any time!

Every month, she’ll be presented with a new challenge to step out of her comfort zone to serve and impact others.

Weekly spreads help her stay organized with school assignments and important dates.

Every week, she’ll write a letter or draw a picture to God, sharing with him what’s on her heart & mind. She’ll list people she’s praying for and wants to bless, helping her to become others-focused, just like Christ.  She’ll also have a fun or thoughtful journal prompt, helping her embrace God’s love and who he has made her (and her friends) to be. 

Plus, there are plenty of bonus pages that are sure to get her creative juices flowing.

So many moms have said to me, “I wish I had something like this when I was a girl.”  We can’t turn back the hands of time, but we can help our daughters live a life of confidence, impact, and purpose for God, just as he made them.

This journal will help your daughter see her spiritual and everyday life as one beautiful, seamless story.  And as her mother, you can feel confident that this gift will have an eternal impact for, not only your daughter, but for those God blesses through HER life.

Made Matchless:  “made uniquely, cherished deeply, maximized completely”

To purchase the gift of the “Made Matchless Planner & Prayer Journal for Girls” click here.

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**Edited 1/30/18** What’s the most radical, daring prayer you can think to pray? Is it “God, use me”? “Search me”? “Change me”? “Maximize me”?  Maybe it’s “forgive me” or “amaze me”. Dear Christian woman, what if you got really daring? What if you took a hard look at your Christian life and got really honest? […]
