A mom and her young daughter were out running errands one bright spring day. At their last stop, they got out of their car and were walking across the parking lot. Suddenly the girl shouted at the top of her lungs, “STOP!”

Mom stopped. (So did all the cars pulling out.)

The girl crouched to the pavement and picked up something small and brown that had looked like it had been run over a few…hundred times..

“Oh, you found a penny!” her mom said, glancing around a bit embarrassed..

“No, mom! It’s pirate’s gold!” the young girl exclaimed as she held it up, turning it back and forth in the sunlight.

Inside the store, the girl and her mom walked past the toy aisles.  The girls mom tried walking quickly but she wasn’t quick enough.

“STOP!” the girl shouted -again-.  

“You HAVE to stop doing that!” her mom scolded.  Then she looked where her daughter was pointing.

At the end of the aisle stood a dollhouse the size of her daughter.  It had all the works: a picket fence, fabric curtains, colorful furniture, and working lights–real working lights!

“That must cost a fortune,” mom muttered under her breath.

“It’s a good thing I have my pirate’s gold, mom!  I’d like to buy it today.” Mom stooped down and looked her daughter in the eyes.

“Sweetheart, I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough.” she says with a half-smile.

“I DO have enough. I have more than enough! I can pay for it all right now!” the girl says, looking over her shoulder as her mom pulls her away.

“Come on, there are so many other important things we have to do today. We’ll talk about this later.”


Moms, girls, today is a special day.  It’s called Good Friday.  Now, don’t let the name fool you, it’s not a day one would really call “good”. In fact, it was a terrible day.  

It was a day when Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was betrayed by a friend. 

Then he was beaten and whipped with sharp, jagged whips.  

He was made fun of and a sharp crown of thorns was pressed onto his head.  

One of his best friends denied even knowing him three times. 

People lied about him in order to make him look guilty of things he never did. 

And finally, he had to carry a cross up a huge hill, only to have his hands and feet nailed to it so he could be hung from it until he suffocated and died.  

It was a truly terrible day, not just because these things happened, but because Jesus had never done ANYTHING WRONG.  He NEVER, ever sinned.

Now you might say, “But Leah, if he was God’s Son, why would God let this happen to him?  That’s such a great question.

See, unlike Jesus, you and I DO sin.  We sin in our words, our actions, even in our thoughts.  We sin everyday, many many times.  It’s in our nature.

On the contrary, just like Jesus, God the Father does NOT sin.  In fact, God the Father is HOLY–that means completely “set apart” from us.  And in our sinful state, a Holy God can’t be with us…he can’t have a relationship with you or with me.

God KNOWS about every single sin we think and do, even the ones we think are hidden that NOBODY sees…like girls, taking an extra cookie when your mom said just two.  Or, moms, when you roll your eyes in impatience, thinking nobody’s looking.

And this sin in our life? Even the smallest sins keeps us from God–who is not just holy, but loving and good and gracious, kind, generous, really everything we could want.  But God is also just, which means our sin sin must be paid for.  He won’t ignore it.

Think back to our story.  The girl saw the dollhouse.  It really was everything she ever wanted and MORE.  But, from what we can tell, she didn’t have enough to buy it. One penny? She’d have to find pennies in tens of thousands of parking lots to pay for it.

That’s similar to our situation with God.  Our sin cost something.  To a holy God, our sin cost a LOT, more than we could ever pay for.  But often, like the girl in our story, we mistakenly think our tiny penny might pay for it.  We think our good works, volunteering, going to church or  Sunday School, or even reading the Bible will pay for our sin.

But to an entirely holy God–one who is so holy he is “set apart–those things are a mere penny.  They’ll never be enough to pay for all we’ve said and done.  And because we can’t pay on our own, if you or I die in our sin, we go to a place called hell, separated from God and those we love forever.

THAT is why Jesus sent his most precious Son to earth.  Because only his most precious, perfect, sinless Son would be worthy enough to pay for the sins of you and me.  Jesus paid for our sin on the cross.

Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  

That’s what Good Friday is about. The “wages” of our sin is death, but because Jesus died for us, we can have eternal life…life forever, IF we trust in Jesus’ payment for our sin and NOT our penny of “good works”.

So remember our little girl?  What if I told you that the girl HADN’T found a penny?

What if I told you that this little girl–in that dirty parking lot–found what appeared to everyone else as a penny, but really truly was pirate’s gold?  How would that change the story?

Well, for one, she could probably buy a thousand doll houses, right?  She’d be considered the luckiest little girl in the world!

And for two, this story would teach us that what seems worthless to almost everyone else might be the most precious treasure anyone could find!

When Jesus hung on the dirty, bloody cross for our sins, the bible says that people passed and wagged their heads at him.  He claimed to be their Savior yet now he looked defeated, worthless, unimportant.

But in reality, these people neglected to see the priceless treasure Jesus was.  They failed to see how this one humble, sinless man was actually God himself in human flesh, come to save them from death and to give them eternal life.

But where they failed to see his worth, there are some who do.  Just as the little girl stopped to pick up and take for herself the priceless coin, there are some whose eyes are searching for God and who, when they come upon the truth of what Jesus did for them, they STOP and receive this precious gift for themselves. 

Sweet girl, sweet mom.  Do you know the treasure that is Jesus?  Have you stopped everything to pick up and know and receive the truth that Jesus Christ came to be your Savior?  

So many will pass by today, even at Good Friday services around the world, wagging their heads at Jesus like he’s a dirty penny in the parking lot.  Will you? 

Will you be like the mom, dismissing the treasure and pressing on to “more important things”?  

Will you be like one who thinks their good works are enough when really they’re just a “penny”?

Or will you be like the girl who recognizes a true, priceless treasure when she sees it? 

I pray that today, if this is a new message for you–that your eyes will be opened to God’s forgiveness because of what Jesus did on the cross for you.  And if you already have him as your Savior, I pray that you’ll be reminded how important it is to regularly stop.  To look closely at your Savior, to remember his priceless value, and to love and appreciate him for all he’s done for you.

And I pray that this truth today deepens your love for God, inspiring you to share the Good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection with those you care for.

Friends, Jesus proved his love for you by dying on the cross for you.  Remember the treasure that he is on this Good Friday.


Looking for a meaningful valentine to give to your girl this year? Check out this free printable valentine’s booklet for girls, full of truth about God’s TRUE love! Why? Let me tell you…

The world’s “love”.

The world’s version of love is the opposite of what our girls should embrace. The world’s “love” is about romance, thrills, emotions, chemistry, sultry looks, physical attraction, and “natural passions”. These allures can be so enticing to your daughter’s godly desire to be truly loved for who she is. And Valentine’s season is when she’s especially bombarded with this “love”.

Unfortunately, many of us moms know that this version of love consistently overpromises and under-delivers. The world’s love leaves our daughters’ hopes of true love dashed to pieces (or worse), making her ask, “What’s wrong with me?”.

But God’s love.

God’s love is contrary to the world. The kind of love God’s Word expresses so wonderfully in 1 Corinthians 13 encourages girls to LOVE OTHERS as they desire to be LOVED THEMSELVES.

The love described here is about others, sacrifice, authenticity, and truth. It’s about humility and endurance, hope and eternity. It’s beautiful, hard, courageous, and meaningful.

In essence, it’s what Jesus Christ has done for HER.

And it’s what he’s calling her (and ALL believers in Christ) to do for others.

This free printable valentine’s booklet for your daughter is called “The Truth About God’s Love”. It’s a gorgeously designed little book full of beautiful colors, attractive designs, and–most importantly–God’s Word.

Isn’t it cute? She’ll love it!

Each page contains a truth about love based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a for you and your girl to discuss together. There’s even a prayer you can pray together at the end, asking God to help you love others HIS way.

One of the lovely designs inside.

By the way, it’s super easy to print, cut, and assemble yourself. You can even print a bunch and have her give them away to her friends! Because who doesn’t need this message, right?

Or, consider giving a different page to her everyday in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day, ending with giving her the cover and prayer, and stapling it together. How special would that be?

So drive on past Hallmark. They carry the same sappy stuff every year (though how they manage to add even more glitter every year is beyond me). Download this free printable valentine’s booklet for your girl instead. In these confusing times, the truth inside could have an even greater impact than you’ll ever know.

Check out some of my other free Valentines printables here.


In these challenging days, there are still many, many things that a believer in Jesus Christ can have gratitude for.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

ALL circumstances? Really? Yes, for the believer in Jesus.

As moms, our attitudes toward an unpredictable life, hard times, unmet expectations, and foiled plans can rub off easily on our daughters–for the good or bad!

And let’s face it, 2020 has been a continuous rolling snowball containing all of the above and then some!

So if our daughters are watching and possibly mimicking how we respond in this season, we should definitely take a good look at our gratitude levels.

It’s a challenge to be thankful in challenging times, isn’t it?

I’m the first to admit it. But I’m up for a good challenge. How about you? How about your daughter?

So, friends, moms, girls, let’s do this:

Let’s do a 30 Days of Gratitude Mom-Daughter Challenge.

Below is a list of 30 things that can start grateful thoughts and conversations rolling with your daughter! You can even click this link for a printable list to stick on your fridge!

Talk about what you’re grateful for first thing in the morning to start the day out right. Or, talk about it at dinnertime with the whole family. Or discuss gratitude right before bed as a way to reflect on the day God has gotten you through. Imagine the difference it could make in your heart, your daughter’s heart, and your home.

Write them in a journal, post them on the wall, or just have a conversation. Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:18 if you want! Whatever way you choose, giving gratitude in ALL circumstances honors God and shines his light through us, especially in the toughest of seasons.

30 Days of Gratitude Mom-Daughter Challenge

  1. my favorite place in the house
  2. my favorite spare-time activity
  3. the best gift I’ve ever received
  4. a wonderful memory
  5. a special person to me
  6. the highlight of my day today (or yesterday)
  7. what I love about a family member
  8. something delicious
  9. something God has helped me with
  10. something beautiful in nature
  11. an event I’m excited about
  12. my favorite place in the world
  13. something that’s hard in my life
  14. a Bible verse I love
  15. what I appreciate about my friend
  16. something I’m improving at
  17. a book I’ve enjoyed reading
  18. something that has made me laugh
  19. a challenge I’m thankful for
  20. what I work hard at
  21. a person I have fun with
  22. a unique way God has made me
  23. what I love most about Jesus
  24. a kind compliment I’ve received
  25. something I treasure
  26. something I’m learning about
  27. where I worship God
  28. a place I feel safe
  29. something that energizes me
  30. a lesson God is teaching me

What would you add to this list? How do you stay grateful in your family? What challenges are you facing that you can choose to thank God for in this season? Comment below!
