What Leah Tatina Believes (a very brief summary)

Leah Tatina, the owner and creator of Made Matchless, believes that the Bible (God’s Word) is inspired by God, without error or contradiction, and can be fully trusted as the final authority over her life.  The world, culture, or our personal preferences have no say in changing God’s Word. 

She believes we are all pretty messed up (sinful) and there’s nothing we can do to pay for it.  We are separate from God in our sin.  Being “good enough” isn’t good enough. And the payment for our sin is death and eternity in hell when we die.

So God did something amazing about it.  He sent his Son, Jesus, to earth to live a perfect life that we couldn’t live so that he could pay for those sins by suffering and dying on a cross.  But Jesus didn’t stay dead.  He became alive again 3 days later! 

Any and all people who repent of their sin and trust Jesus alone for their salvation from death (hell) will be saved.  With this knowledge, Leah challenges girls and women to live in gratitude, humility, and obedience in spite of the troubles faced in this world.  With this knowledge we are all called to witness to what God has done, unapologetically, and in whatever unique ways he has gifted and called us to.

She believes that all true believers will be equipped to fulfill their supernatural calling to share the Gospel and impact others in the name of Jesus Christ, by God’s grace alone, and just as he made them: matchless.

(2 Tim. 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:20-21  and Rom. 3:23-24, among many others)
